The drama follows a military prosecutor named Do Be Man (Ahn Bo Hyun) who chose the job for money. After meeting Cha Woo In (Jo Bo Ah), another military prosecutor who chose the job for revenge, the two fight injustice in the military to become true prosecutors. With the unusual setting of a martial law court, many are expecting to see a courtroom drama with intense suspense and twists. In the first poster, half of Ahn Bo HyunŌĆÖs face is covered by a Doberman, and his eyes shine brightly with determination. The caption on the poster describes him as a crazy dog and gives a certain impression of what his character is like on viewers. Jo Bo AhŌĆÖs poster captures two contrasting sides of her character. In the first half, she is saluting as a military prosecutor, but the other half shows her with red hair and lips. As the picture increases curiosity about her true identity, viewers are looking forward to seeing Jo Bo AhŌĆÖs transformation in the upcoming series. Source (1) Translator Changhyun Kim: Hello, K-pop, K-drama, and K-movie lovers! I will provide you with accurate and reliable Korean Entertainment news. ┬Ā

Ahn Bo Hyun and Jo Bo Ah s New Military Drama Unveils New Posters and Confirms Premiere Date - 41Ahn Bo Hyun and Jo Bo Ah s New Military Drama Unveils New Posters and Confirms Premiere Date - 24