Seohyun shared, ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs a ŌĆśrespecting each otherŌĆÖs tasteŌĆÖ romance that completes ŌĆśdifferentnessŌĆÖ with ŌĆśspecialness.ŌĆÖ I hope you enjoy the movie with your friends and lovers.ŌĆØ Lee Jun Young also stressed, ŌĆ£I hope you enjoy the movie while thinking that itŌĆÖs not wrong but just different.ŌĆØ However, after the movie was released, a debate began on social media as to whether it was appropriate to bring BDSM into the light. These are the negative reactions. ItŌĆÖs argued that itŌĆÖs not safe to introduce BDSM in sexually-closed social and cultural environments like Korea and possibly lead to sexual crimes. Some also pointed out that it glorified violent or self-harmful tendencies. They brought up the articles that covered the increase in imitation sexual crimes followed by the box office hit of the 2015 movie Fifty Shades of Grey to further stress their point.
On the other hand, there was a counter-argument about how people must be aware of it and learn to deal with it even if it is a negative concept. Even if there is BDSM in the movie, it wasnŌĆÖt consumed as something thatŌĆÖs just provocative since the characters make mutual agreements and sign the contract. Some also praised how it showed a female lead thatŌĆÖs not easily seen in other movies. Some argued that due to its nature being a movie, the depth of the story is bound to be shallow to that of the original webtoon, hence reducing the elements that viewers could relate to. Critic Jung Deok Hyun wrote, ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs true that the movie deals with provocative material that has not been dealt with before.ŌĆØ He then added, ŌĆ£However, the things I thought should be handled sensitively were actually not dealt with at all in the movie. If they were able to draw viewersŌĆÖ sympathy more boldly in areas that could be considered controversial, they would have persuaded more people.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1)