On the 5th, Do Kyung Soo appeared as a guest on KBS radio Park Myung SooŌĆÖs Radio Show to promote his upcoming drama Bad Prosecutor. Introducing his role as someone who ŌĆ£needs to root out corruption and make things right,ŌĆØ Do Kyung Soo explained that the show will offer exhilarating fun. When Park Myung Soo asked him, ŌĆ£Are you also a type who canŌĆÖt stand seeing injustice?ŌĆØ the artist answered, ŌĆ£I think so. I donŌĆÖt like seeing actions that harm others or rude manners.ŌĆØ Park Myung Soo then jokingly asked him, ŌĆ£What would you do if students are smoking in the neighborhood and pick a fight with you? And theyŌĆÖre over 6 ft tall.ŌĆØ To which Do Kyung Soo wittily replied, ŌĆ£Maybe IŌĆÖd just say a word or two. But IŌĆÖll just pass by.ŌĆØ Later in the show, Park Myung Soo asked one of the questions that the viewers asked, which was, ŌĆ£Are you going to sing the OST for the drama?ŌĆØ Do Kyung Soo answered, ŌĆ£Of course I am. I think youŌĆÖll hear it midway into the show.ŌĆØ He then briefly added, ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs a song thatŌĆÖll come out in a thrilling scene.ŌĆØ Park Myung Soo asked, ŌĆ£What is the advantage of singing the OST yourself?ŌĆØ and Do Kyung Soo simply replied, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖll earn money.ŌĆØ Source (1, 2)