Josee, scheduled to be released on Dec 10, is the Korean remake of a Japanese novel and film and depicts the affectionate love between Josee and Young Seok. Han Ji Min plays the role of Josee, a woman living inside her own world, and will present delicate emotional performances. In an interview, Han Ji Min talked about her comeback to the big screen and reunion with Nam Joo Hyuk. Did you feel any pressure about working on a remake of a famous film? I am a big fan of the original film. A good feeling from the original work is also in the remake. And I wanted to make the best of these points. IŌĆÖd be lying if I say there was no pressure, but after I confirmed my appearance, I focused on putting my own color in the Josee expressed in the script rather than the burden. And I also put effort in solely embodying the Josee director Kim Jong Kwan will draw.

The biggest difference between the remake and the original film? Our movie shows more of an open ending about the breakup. Rather than focusing on the process of breakup, we pay more attention to the process of falling in love. ItŌĆÖs a story created between two people, so instead of making a reason for their breakup, we wanted viewers to think of a story between the world and the people surrounding the two. ┬Ā Your movie will be released in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. EveryoneŌĆÖs having a difficult time, so I donŌĆÖt really know what to say. But itŌĆÖs a time when we have to join hands and always be cautious. I just think that the movie has to pass and that this is its destiny. Regardless of where and how you watch this movie, I am hoping that this movie will remain as a movie that comes to your mind in the winter along with the original film. You worked with Nam Joo Hyuk in the romance genre once again. There werenŌĆÖt many scenes in The Light in Your Eyes where I act with Nam Joo Hyuk. So when I found out that weŌĆÖd be working together again, I thought I could satisfy my regrets. Because the characters exude such different colors, we talked a lot about how we are going to build them up. When we worked for The Light in Your Eyes, I thought I had to lead the scenes, but for Josee, I relied on him a lot. The only ones I can talk to about the difficulties and worries in diving into JoseeŌĆÖs world was director Kim and Nam Joo Hyuk. ┬Ā You show outstanding chemistry with younger actors like Jung Hae In and Nam Joo Hyuk. Before, I had more chances to work with older actors. But the pattern of romance follows the trends. There are both pros and cons depending on who the opponents are. Luckily, they both showed great consideration. Sometimes, I thought to myself, ŌĆśAre you treating me better because IŌĆÖm their senior?ŌĆÖ But I think itŌĆÖs their personality. IŌĆÖm just grateful to them (Jung Hae In and Nam Joo Hyuk). ┬Ā Is there any actor you want to try romance with? I have a desire to tell a love story with a completely different feeling. And also IŌĆÖd like to act with actors IŌĆÖve never worked with before. ┬Ā Source (1, 2, 3)

Han Ji Min Describes Nam Joo Hyuk as an Actor Whom She Can Rely On - 53Han Ji Min Describes Nam Joo Hyuk as an Actor Whom She Can Rely On - 1Han Ji Min Describes Nam Joo Hyuk as an Actor Whom She Can Rely On - 61Han Ji Min Describes Nam Joo Hyuk as an Actor Whom She Can Rely On - 68