In Once Again, she played the role of Song Na Hee and created a high sense of immersion and deep empathy with her realistic acting of the ŌĆ£real problemsŌĆØ that couples in their 30s may experience, such as miscarriage, marital conflict, divorce, and reconciliation. Also, she received enthusiastic support from fans of the ŌĆ£Na-Gyu coupleŌĆØ by presenting eye-catching chemistry with Lee Sang Yeob. ┬Ā Q1. How do you feel about finishing your drama? Unlike the mini-series, there were many things that we got to create together during this long run, so it was fun. Maybe itŌĆÖs because weŌĆÖve been working on this drama for so long. It doesnŌĆÖt feel like itŌĆÖs over, and I feel like I need to return to the set again. ┬Ā Q2. What kind of comments did your husband Lee Byung Hun say? He saw it (the drama) in detail with his ŌĆ£hawk eyes.ŌĆØ We would watch the drama together, talk about the ŌĆ£goodŌĆØ scenes, and share thoughts like ŌĆśwhat would have been if I did this.ŌĆÖ ┬Ā Q3. How satisfied are you? There were many fighting scenes in the beginning, and I feel like I went into them without getting fully warmed up. I expressed them quite firmly, thinking that itŌĆÖs correct to show a ŌĆ£coldŌĆØ feeling in the scenes where I hit the roof. But now that I think about it, I should have expressed my anger in a more calm and cold manner by pressing down on the anger without exploding my feelings. Q4. If you grade your chemistry with Lee Sang Yeob. We filmed most scenes together, so we relied on each other a lot. Lee Sang Yeob is deft and natural when he acts and when heŌĆÖs being himself, and that helped with our chemistry. Also, we were given the nickname ŌĆ£Na-Gyu coupleŌĆØ and were told they (fans) were happy and comfortable to see us together, so I was quite pleased. ┬Ā Q5. Was there any difficulty following the changes that the ŌĆ£Na-Gyu coupleŌĆØ went through? ItŌĆÖs kind of regrettable that Na HeeŌĆÖs feelings progressed too rapidly to persuade and empathize viewers with the reconciliation. The writer told me that Na Hee was the one who had to break the things she first denied, so I tried to express the changes in her emotions thinking about that. Q6. What was Once Again to Lee Min Jung? It was a work that showed a clear path of when to take a step back and when to take a break. I wasnŌĆÖt used to this pace, so I was able to experience how to move along (with that pace). ┬Ā Q7. What are your future plans? If you are talking about plans for the rest of this year, I will rest in September, though thereŌĆÖs only a few days left, and I think I need to invest more in my body because I never really got to exercise much recently. I feel like IŌĆÖm worn out. Also, I want to try my best in my acting career and in my family as a mother and a wife. ┬Ā Source (1, 2)

How Did Lee Byung Hun React After Seeing Lee Min Jung in  Once Again   - 2How Did Lee Byung Hun React After Seeing Lee Min Jung in  Once Again   - 4