On October 1st, IU uploaded a mysterious teasing image on her official Twitter account. Boasting vivid pink and purple colors, the image shows a moon with the caption ŌĆ£meet again when strawberry moon comes up.ŌĆØ The post went viral online as soon as it was released at midnight. Fans are speculating that this hints at IUŌĆÖs possible comeback as a singer. If it turns out to be true, this will be her comeback since the release of LILAC in March.

from. #IU pic.twitter.com/VXooNLGiQi ŌĆö ņĢäņØ┤ņ£Ā(IU) Ļ│ĄņŗØ ĒŖĖņ£äĒä░ (@_IUofficial) September 30, 2021 Source (1)