On Monday, Mnet announced Kang Daniel as the main host of its new show Street Women Fighter. Street Women Fighter is MnetŌĆÖs first female dance crew survival show. It will show the eight female dance crews competing against each other to win ŌĆ£The Best Female Dance CrewŌĆØ title. Kang Daniel is one of the best dancers in the K-pop scene. He certainly boasts jaw-dropping breakdancing and modern dance moves. It will be the first show he will be hosting. ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm excited just to be able to see the top-notch dancers up close,ŌĆØ he said. ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm especially honored to be the host of this show. IŌĆÖm sure theyŌĆÖll inspire me as an artist. And by sharing my experiences, I will help them put on the best performances.ŌĆØ Chief producer Kwon Young Chan shared, ŌĆ£The stature of K-pop continues to be on the rise, and I think K-dance is in the center of it. I wanted to show the dance crews who make and lead the K-pop choreography to the global K-pop fans.ŌĆØ Street Women Fighter will premiere in mid-August. ┬Ā Source (1)