Kim Woo Seok, who has been continuing his busy schedule since the release of his first solo album last year, will join the comeback battle next month. Earlier in May last year, Kim Woo Seok made his official solo debut with his debut album 1ST DESIRE [GREED] and showed off his flawless visuals and fatal charisma through the title song ŌĆ£Red Moon.ŌĆØ After successfully making his solo debut, the singer showed his face in various entertainment shows as a guest, including Dogs are Incredible, Radio Star and City Fisherman, and even made a successful debut as an actor through JTBC drama Twenty-Twenty. In particular, Kim Woo Seok released his duet song ŌĆ£MemoriesŌĆØ with Lee Eun Sang and participated in the ŌĆ£Fever Music 2020 Cool Summer Project,ŌĆØ being recognized for his colorful performance as a singer. Naturally, attention focuses on what songs he will present this time. ┬Ā Source (1)