Recently, a post related to the production of We Got Married Returns was posted on an online community. The post stated that MBCŌĆÖs hit variety show We Got Married is returning with a renewed season after four years. In fact, earlier in may, MBC talked about producing We Got Married Returns. Hoping for a triumphant comeback, directors and writers submitted a proposal and started working on casting K-pop stars. If We Got Married paired the stars and observed their ŌĆ£virtual couple life,ŌĆØ the renewed season planned to introduce a new concept under the theme of ŌĆ£weŌĆÖve become a family.ŌĆØ For the show, K-pop stars will dip their toes into an extended concept of stars becoming family members. According to a report, the proposal also contains the following phrase: ŌĆ£We will cast top K-pop stars like NCT.ŌĆØ However, a representative of MBC stepped up for clarification. ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs true that talks for ŌĆśWe Got Married ReturnsŌĆÖ started up. However, ultimately, we made the final decision not to produce it.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1, 2)