In an episode of MBCŌĆÖs King of Mask Singer which aired on the 7th, the ŌĆśconcertŌĆÖ and ŌĆśmountaineerŌĆÖs clubŌĆÖ performed the first round with Kim Soo HeeŌĆÖs ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm Yours.ŌĆØ Participant ŌĆśConcertŌĆÖ won the first round and their opponent had to unmask. The ŌĆśMountaineerŌĆÖ then revealed their identity while singing Nam JinŌĆÖs ŌĆ£Heartbreakingly.ŌĆØ The figure behind the mask was none other than Lee Man Ki, a legend of the wrestling scene. He said, ŌĆ£I thought of coming here on King of Mask Singer after watching Jeon Won JooŌĆÖs episode,ŌĆØ while humbling himself. He then added that he wished to be guessed as a trot singer. ŌĆ£Trot has so many hopeful elements to it. I always thought it would be good if I could be excited and happy with a song,ŌĆØ he explained.

The star also drew attention by announcing his debut as a singer. Lee Man Ki said that he wanted to empathize with people through singing. ŌĆ£I was rude enough to sing a song, and it will be released in March. The title is ŌĆ£I like my friendŌĆØ (literal title).ŌĆØ The soon-to-be singer also sang a part of the new track on the spot. ┬Ā Source (1)