The incident took place between 4 pm and 6 pm. An old lady living in the neighborhood reported the crew to the police when they were filming in front of her house without permission. When two police officers rushed to the scene, she complained, ŌĆ£The COVID is on the rise, but they donŌĆÖt even wear masks. They are very loud late at night, and they smoke in front of the house or in the alley.ŌĆØ ┬Ā After talking with the staff, the police promised the old lady that such acts will not be tolerated again. However, the conflict did not end here. The same woman attempted to call the police again when she realized that the drama crew broke her property. However, the two sides seemed to have come to an agreement as no additional report has been made. This wasnŌĆÖt the first time that the resident expressed her frustration. The turmoil first began in mid-February when staff smoked and threw away the cigarette butts all over the alleyway. The evening schedule continued until 11 pm at least twice a week, and sometimes they even started filming from broad daylight. And the smoke and noise were for the residents to endure. At that time, some residents complained directly to the Mouse staff. ┬Ā Source (1)

   Mouse    Crew Was Reported to Police for Not Wearing Masks  and More - 12   Mouse    Crew Was Reported to Police for Not Wearing Masks  and More - 13   Mouse    Crew Was Reported to Police for Not Wearing Masks  and More - 3