To You Who DonŌĆÖt Love Me is a romance drama that revolves around a special lyric notebook that makes anyone fall in love with the owner for a month. ItŌĆÖll draw sympathy from the viewers by showing the struggle of the young people in their 20s between dreams and love. Today, the show confirmed the casting of Han Ji Hyo and NCTŌĆÖs Doyoung. Doyoung plays Jung Si Ho, a college student who suffers from the trauma that deeply scarred him as a younger boy. As a guy friend of Seo Hee Soo (played by Han Ji Hyo), he is the only one who knows about the secret of the lyric notebook she owns and genuinely worries about her ŌĆ£one-month dating.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm grateful that I got this great opportunity to act once again. IŌĆÖll do my best to give a better performance for my fans and those who believe in me,ŌĆØ shared Doyoung. Meanwhile, To You Who DonŌĆÖt Love Me will only be available on TVING from June. Source (1) ┬Ā