Suho released his second solo mini-album Grey Suit to celebrate EXOŌĆÖs 10th debut anniversary. He shared, ŌĆ£The lyrics are about feeling vibrant again after reuniting with someone who would take you out from the grey cage of frozen time that keeps your mind from going on.ŌĆØ EXOŌĆÖs leader showed his affection for his members by saying: ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm neither the one pulling the cart in the front nor the one who pushes it from behind. IŌĆÖm just a person who brings all members together in this cart. So I try to listen to members than talk about myself.ŌĆØ In a previous interview, Suho mentioned, ŌĆ£Having dreams mean you are still young, regardless of your age.ŌĆØ HeŌĆÖs still dreaming to this day. ŌĆ£My dream is to build a genre of ŌĆśSuhoŌĆÖ so that more people can recognize it,ŌĆØ he explained. He added that he still has his dreams to achieve. ŌĆ£Feeling a sense of accomplishment after trying new things and going to new places is what drives me forward. And itŌĆÖs fans who make me feel fulfilled. Without fans who would watch me doing so, I wonŌĆÖt have any energy to go on try new things or go on a journey.ŌĆØ Source (1)

Suho Talks About Being the Leader of EXO and His Dreams as an Artist - 65Suho Talks About Being the Leader of EXO and His Dreams as an Artist - 21