The upcoming animated adaptation will be co-produced by Studio N, a subsidiary of Naver Webtoon that produces films and TV series based on their webtoons and web novels, and Cocktail Media, the production studio of the popular Tooniverse animation The Haunted House. True Beauty is a webtoon on Naver, which was first serialized in 2018. The popular webtoon is about an ordinary high school girl named Im Joo Kyung who builds her confidence and courage to chase her dream using her incredible makeup skills. The global-hit comics, which has been a work of interest for more than 10 million overseas readers, is available in Korean, English, Spanish, Thai, and French.

Studio N produces drama films and television series based on stories from Naver webtoon and web novels. Starting with the drama Hell Is Other People, the studio has made numerous TV series adaptations of various webtoons such as Pegasus Market, Sweet Home, Nevertheless and YumiŌĆÖs Cells. Cocktail Media is a production company of popular animated series such as The Haunted House and Bugsbot Ignition. As the company has previously introduced works combined with Unity engine, many are expecting quality series. True Beauty is available on Naver Webtoon and Naver Series. ┬Ā Source (1)

 True Beauty  to be Adapted into an Animated Series - 78 True Beauty  to be Adapted into an Animated Series - 27