What are the key points to look for in this upcoming drama? Yook Sungjae answered, ŌĆ£The story unfolds over a long period of 10 years, from the charactersŌĆÖ high school days until they reach their 30s. So itŌĆÖll be fun to watch how the charactersŌĆÖ personalities and narratives gradually change.ŌĆØ Lee Jong Won added, ŌĆ£As the lives of the two characters are switched because of a golden spoon, we express how their outlook on life applies in their new lives and the emotions they feel in doing so. Seeing two sides of the characters will be a key point.ŌĆØ Jung Chaeyeon introduced the drama as ŌĆ£parents-changing adventure greed fantasy drama,ŌĆØ giving a glimpse into the mixed genres. Yeonwoo chose ŌĆ£actorsŌĆÖ chemistry.ŌĆØ The actors then took turns to briefly introduce their roles. Yook Sungjae shared, ŌĆ£Seung Chun is spiteful in a way that he always gets what he wants, but I believe that at the root of such tendency is his love for his family. Even the extreme choice of changing parents started with the hope of pulling his family out of poverty. Of course, he has regrets and conflicts, which makes him learn and grow.ŌĆØ Lee Jong Won said, ŌĆ£Tae Yong was born into wealth. But what he truly wants is small happiness in everyday life. When his life is turned upside down, he seeks out what makes him happy.ŌĆØ Jung Chaeyeon introduced Joo Hui as ŌĆ£a bright, cheerful girl with a strong sense of justice.ŌĆØ One thing thatŌĆÖs different about her is a distinctly different view of money from other characters. Even after being born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she ŌĆ£doesnŌĆÖt put much importance on money and has something more important than money.ŌĆØ Yeonwoo described Yeo Jin as ŌĆ£an ambitious character.ŌĆØ She continued, ŌĆ£She slowly changes after meeting Seung Chun and finding love, but her ambitions stay the same. I think sheŌĆÖs a character with lots of different emotions.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, The Golden Spoon will premiere on MBC on September 23rd. Source (1)

Yook Sungjae  Lee Jong Won  Jung Chaeyeon   Yeonwoo Talk About Their New Drama  The Golden Spoon  - 36Yook Sungjae  Lee Jong Won  Jung Chaeyeon   Yeonwoo Talk About Their New Drama  The Golden Spoon  - 56